Classroom Essentials
Classroom Schedule
- 8:45-9:00: Student Arrival
- 9:00-9:35: ER
- 9:35-11:05: Math with Mrs. Hassinger
- 11:05-11:45: Science with Mrs. Hassinger
- 11:45-12:20: ELA & Social Studies with Mrs. Schultz
- 12:20-12:50: Lunch
- 12:50-1:10: Recess
- 1:10-1:25: ELA & Social Studies with Mrs. Schultz
- 1:25-2:05: Special
- 2:05-3:25: ELA & Social Studies with Mrs. Schultz
- 3:25-3:30: End of Day Routine
- 3:30: Dismissal
- Day 1: Library
- Day 2: Mini Technology (1:15-1:45pm)
- Day 3: Gym
- Day 4: Technology
- Day 5: Music
- Day 6: Art
Classroom Essentials
*Take Home Folders*
Take home folders will be sent home on a nightly basis. These will contain all of the papers and homework assignments from the day. Please be sure to look through the take home folder, complete any homework, empty unnecessary papers, and return the folders for the next day.
*Skyward Messages*
Please make sure your email is up-to-date on our Skyward. I send out a nightly message with updates about specials, homework, quizzes, and general reminders. Usually, the email on Fridays also gives an overview for the upcoming week.
Math and science homework will be assigned as needed. In math, only specific problems are usually assigned, so please pay attention to circled problems. Although it is your child’s responsibility to complete his/her homework, I fully encourage parent involvement. Not only will involvement reinforce your child’s learning, but it will also keep you informed and up-to-date on what we are learning in the classroom!
We will establish Homework Buddies for when a student is absent. We will do our best o send home any important assignments that will need to be completed. Please be sure to send in an excuse for any absences or early dismissals.
To help establish classroom community, I have a token system using tickets. Students can gain tickets in a variety of ways, such as demonstrating positive character attributes, participation, appropriate behavior, helpfulness, positive attitude, following directions, etc. Every week, all tickets will be put into the ticket box. Names will be pulled and each chosen winner may pick a prize out of the prize box. As part of the token system, students will also owe a ticket when not following classroom rules and regulations.
*Snacks & Water Bottles*
Unfortunately, no snacks will be eaten in the classroom this year, so I strongly encourage the kiddos to eat breakfast, since we have lunch at a later time. Water fountains are open and water bottles are permitted and encouraged! Please stick to water and refrain from sending in juice, pop, and other drinks like Gatorade or Prime drinks.
*Birthday Snacks*
Please note that birthday snacks will not be eaten in the classroom. If you still decide to send in a treat…all birthday snacks need to be prepackaged and will either be taken to lunch or put into backpacks to be eaten at home. Also, please DO NOT send anything with peanuts or tree nuts due to allergies.
*Hahntown PTA:
Please consider becoming a PTA member. We have a wonderful PTA at Hahntown and they can always use help. Also, in order to volunteer in school events, such as parties and field trips, you must be a current PTA member and have gone through the training meeting.