Mrs. ALICIA PERRY » Supply List

Supply List

  • Backpack - large enough to hold a folder, ipad, and library book.  No back packs on wheels.
  • Headphones in a gallon sized ziploc bag with their name on both the headphones and bag.
  • Spare Clothes in a gallon sized ziplog baggies, with their name on the outside of the bag and on each article of clothing, to keep in their cubbies in case of an accident or spill.
  • 12 Sharpened pencils
  • 6+ glue sticks
  • 4 Black, fine tip, Expo markers
  • Blunt tipped kid scissors
  • Play-Doh - a normal sized individual tub, please write their name on the tub.
  • One inch three ring binder with clear sleeve on the front, write their name on the INSIDE of this.
  • One zipper pencil pouch - write their name on the outside of the container in permanent marker.
  • One clear plastic shoebox (normally made by Sterlite), write their name on a short, end side in permanent marker.
Classroom Supplies
  • Crayola markers
  • ”extra” student supplies
  • Play-doh
  • Shaving cream
  • Treasure Box "stuff"
*Teacher will supply any item not purchased by families.  Students will not be without needed supplies!