KATELYNN GIGLIOTTI » Meet Mrs. Gigliotti

Meet Mrs. Gigliotti


Prior to becoming your child's learning support teacher, I graduated from Slippery Rock University with a dual certification in Elementary K-4 and Special Education K-8. In addition, I received my Masters of Special Education in Applied Behavior Analysis with an Autism certification at California University of Pennsylvania.  I am entering my 9th year as the K-4 Learning Support teacher at Hahntown Elementary School. 


Outside of school I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I have a six month old son named Eli, three-year-old son named Isaac, and a fur baby named Brooks. I also enjoy making a mess with all of my DIY projects at home. And like most Pittsburghers, I sure love my Steelers!


I am excited to begin this school year and I cannot wait to see all of the personal growth by all of the students.
